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Following a low potassium diet

Following a low potassium diet can sometimes be challenging. The low, moderate and high potassium food posters are designed to help you know which foods and drinks have a low, moderate or high potassium content. This will enable you to choose foods which can be taken freely (the low list) and those foods which should be limited in your diet (the high and moderate lists).

Use the posters to create your own low, moderate and high potassium food lists based on the foods and drinks that you like to have. When creating a particular poster, only the foods and drinks relevant to that particular category will show on the screen. For example, for the high potassium food poster, only foods which are classified as high in potassium will be displayed so the poster you create will show only high potassium foods - these are the foods that you need to limit in your diet. Alternatively, for the low potassium poster, only foods which are classified as low in potassium will be displayed so the poster you create will show only low potassium foods - these are foods that you can have freely.

You can move from one poster to another by using the arrow next to the title of the posters.

If you add a food or drink by mistake, you can clear the individual food boxes by clicking ‘x’. Clear the entire page by clicking ‘clear all’. If you would like to start again, click ‘start again’ at the top of the poster.

Share your completed posters by selecting print or download at the bottom of the page.