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My Renal Nutrition videos

These videos have been created to help you understand more about the kidneys, kidney disease and the dietary management of this condition.

Heathy eating advice for those with early stage CKD

This short video aims to provide basic information regarding heathy eating for those with early-stage kidney disease. Please note that if you have been advised to follow specific dietary restrictions e.g. a low potassium or a low phosphate diet, then the animations below titled "All about potassium" and "All about phosphate" will be more suitable for you. It is important to speak to your healthcare professional with regards to your diet and which foods and drinks are suitable for you.


All about potassium

This short video aims to provide basic information regarding potassium including what happens to potassium in the body when the kidneys are not working well, reducing your intake of potassium including how to reduce your intake of potassium additives and understanding low potassium cooking methods. The video also provides suggestions for lower potassium food and drink options. It is important to speak to your healthcare professional with regards to your diet and which foods and drinks are suitable for you.


All about phosphate

This short video aims to provide basic information regarding phosphate including what happens to phosphate in the body when the kidneys are not working well, reducing your intake of phosphate including how to reduce your intake of phosphate additives and how to make lower phosphate dietary choices. It is important to speak to your healthcare professional with regards to your diet and which foods and drinks are suitable for you.


All about salt

This short video aims to provide basic information regarding salt (sodium) including what happens to sodium when the kidneys are not working well, reducing your intake of salt and reading food labels. It is important to speak to your healthcare professional with regards to your diet and which foods and drinks are suitable for you.


The gut microbiome

This short video aims to provide basic information to explain about the gut microbiome, including what this term means and how we can positively influence our gut microbiome through dietary changes. It is important to speak to your healthcare professional with regards to your diet and which foods and drinks are suitable for you.


Tube feeding

The 5 short videos below aim to provide basic information regarding the importance of nutrition in kidney disease, why tube feeding may be advised by a Healthcare Professional, types of feeding tubes and answers to common questions regarding tube feeding. It is important to speak to your Healthcare Professional if you have any questions with regards to your diet and / or tube feeding.


Healthy eating after a kidney transplant

This short video aims to provide basic information regarding heathy eating after a kidney transplant including why it is important to have a healthy, balanced diet and how to achieve this, ways to reduce your salt intake and information with regards to food safety. It is important to speak to your healthcare professional with regards to your diet and which foods and drinks are suitable for you.